Bullet Contact

Address information

Contact thumbnail image

Bullet About

Martijn Koch graduated at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1998. Since January 2008 Martijn Koch works as entrepreneur from Eindhoven. Martijn is 47 years old and father of 2 sons.

Right now Martijn Koch teaches Information Technology at Mill Hill College in Goirle and at the Goese Lyceum in Goes.

Since his graduation, Martijn worked at the following companies:
Bonnemayer Architecten in Uden
JHK Architecten in Utrecht
Bo.2 architectuur en stedenbouw in Tilburg

Next to his work as architect, Martijn taught at the following educational institutes:
ROC Rivor Tiel
Fontys University of applied science Eindhoven
Academy for Architecture and Urban Design Tilburg (Fontys)
Summa College Laboratory school
Eindhoven University of Technology (Build Environment and Mechanical Engineering)

Martijn has a first grade teaching degree in Research and Design (STEAM Education), and a second grade degree in Physics.

Bullet Privacy

There is no tracking of visitors. Simply because viewing logs is boring (99% robots). Just send me a message if you want your visit to be noticed.

Messages are kept in my inbox and this means your message and e-mail address is stored offline in an e-mail backup. It's not used for anything else than answering your message. If you want your old messages to be deleted, give me a call.

Bullet Plain good 2

Inspiring persons, things and places

Plain good 2 thumbnail image

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Bullet 2kB of Fun lecture

Bullet Sustainability

Sustainability at work

Sustainability thumbnail image

Bullet Razor Sharp

Website adapted for HD phones and tablets

Razor Sharp thumbnail image

Bullet Building permit requested

Extension to living room and entrance renewal in Heemskerk

Building permit requested thumbnail image

Bullet Website in Japanese

Coming soon: a project strongly focussed at the Japanese market. As a preparation the website is translated in a third language.

Bullet Opening Dutch Game Garden

Opening new office Dutch Game Garden in Utrecht

Opening Dutch Game Garden thumbnail image

Bullet Building site

Building 33 arcade cabinets

Building site thumbnail image

Bullet Colophon

About this website

Colophon thumbnail image

Bullet Plain good

Inspiring persons, things and places

Plain good thumbnail image

Bullet People

Inspiring people

People thumbnail image